Monday, February 22, 2010

Time For Nuclear Power

In an era of partisanship in government, it was refreshing to hear Obama throw a bone to the Republican side of the aisle in his State of the Union address. I completely agree that it is time to return to the use of nuclear power in America. Clean Coal technology is one of those buzzword topics that politicians (including Obama) use to try to secure votes in Pennsylvania and West Virginia, but the scientific possibilities of burning coal in a truly "clean" fashion are roughly equivalent to the chances that Congress will vote themselves a pay cut to help decrease the national debt.
Nuclear energy is efficent, relatively cheap, and safe. It will provide a relatively stable energy source for generations to come, and could help the United States provide enough electricity for the expansion of such ideas as electric cars. Anything that will help us break our oil addiction and let us break ties with "friends" like Saudi Arabia is a welcome change in my mind.
For those concerned about the environmental effects, many have been reduced or eliminated over the past few decades since we last built a new nuclear plant in America. Here is a great article and interview that illustrates what I am talking about:
Nuclear Power's Time Has Come
Maybe this is finally something that both parties can get on board with, and we can move towards an America that is energy independent. I think we can all agree that is in our nation's best interest.


Gretta said...

Awww Stew we're gonna have a smackdown about nuclear energy, I can just tell.

Plainclothes Politics said...

Haha, what is your criticism? And what other alternatives provide large amounts of energy affordably?

Karen L R said...

What do you have to say about Vermont Yankee, where there is a perfect storm of an aging plant, a relicensing deadline and the legislature's opportunity to vote on the plant's future?

Seven Days has a whole issue devoted to the situation...

Plainclothes Politics said...

I don't know how that gets resolved, mom, but I guess VT Yankee is an example of what happens when we don't follow up on modernizing our energy infrastructure significantly for 30 years or so.

Unknown said...