Friday, February 26, 2010

What a time to decide to be fiscally responsible...

Good thing Senator Jim Bunning is retiring this fall, because I think if he ran for reelection, he'd have a lot of unemployed people leading the charge against him. He was the lone Senator blocking a vote on extending unemployment benefits today. When Jeff Merkley (one of our OR senators incidentally) was speaking in criticism of Bunning's comments, Bunning said, "Tough shit." under his breath.
Well, Bunning, where was your fiscal responsibility when you voted for the Iraq War? You choose NOW to suddenly decide $10 billion is worth filibustering over? We spend that in a month in our current wars. Where was your fiscal responsibility when you voted in favor of the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy and didn't reduce any other spending to make up for the loss of revenue? So fiscal irresponsibility is fine when it benefits people like you, old white guys with great healthcare coverage and a nice cushy salary, but when it benefits people struggling in a recession it's fiscally irresponsible? Senators like you are why so many people are disgusted with Congress. Have a nice, relaxing, taxpayer-funded retirement you old fart.

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