Sunday, February 28, 2010

Obama is finally unable to hide his frustration

I have been wondering over the past few weeks about whether Obama's patience would begin to flag. Not only does he have to contend with a Republican minority fiercely opposing anything he proposes, but he has a Democratic majority dragging their feet and failing to flex their muscles. At times, lately, his tone has almost been one of a parent trying to mediate between 535 obnoxious, ornery children packed into one giant minivan of uselessness. CNN finally caught Obama losing his patience a bit during the meeting between congressional Republicans and the president last week. At this point, it's almost too bad we can't vote to take away Congress' healthcare. I bet they'd find a solution then.

Here's the video:

Obama losing his patience


Gretta said...

My favorite part of that summit was when Obama said "We're not in the campaign anymore" to McCain and McCain said "I remember that every day..." Ouch, he's gonna need some neosporin for that burnnnn!!!

Stewart said...

Oh no he didin'!

Unknown said...

You may have already thought of this, but "535 obnoxious, ornery children packed into one giant minivan of uselessness" definitely belongs on a t-shirt.