Saturday, February 28, 2009

Here's a logic problem for you...

So, here's a math/logic problem for you. If you were someone who was renting an apartment, but thinking about buying a house in a year or so, and a bunch of people you knew were giving you crap about not making that decision sooner, would you:
a) Bow to peer pressure.
b) Start crying and tell them you just don't know what to do.
c) Argue with them at the staff lunch table for half an hour and get nowhere.
d) Use this awesome graph I just found and ask them one question: Would you buy a house right now if you were me looking at this graph?!

1 comment:

Karen L R said...

I heard a piece on NPR last week about personal indebtedness (national and global economies aside). There were two "twin peaks" on a graph illustrating the peak in 1929 and one in 2008. OUCH! Pretty scary!