Friday, February 13, 2009

Bipartisanship is like Santa...sounds great but never exists.

So, basically I have two choices: I can take the Republican road by accepting big tax cuts that haven’t been proven successful over the last eight years and will put us into debt in the long run. Or, I can choose the Democrat road that involves huge government spending on things that may or may not help average Americans significantly, and may even be pork-barrel spending. Both choices put us into huge debt that the majority of the old, rich, white guys in Congress will never have to pay back.
At the end of the day, though, the Democrats at least included tax cuts to middle class Americans, investment in education, and technology, and infrastructure, all of which look to the FUTURE. I could care less if people can get a tax break for buying a car this year, but I do want our educational system to have long-term stability.
Republicans complained that they are not being included in the process, and that they were not given enough time to read the 1000 page bill. Guess what guys? This sounds awfully familiar….remember the PATRIOT ACT?! Congress was given very little time to read and digest that bill before it was crammed down their throats. And as for being included, Republicans turned up their noses at the Democratic minority for years, and now expect special treatment. You are the minority!
This may be an imperfect stimulus plan, but know I two things. One: trickle down economics don’t work, have never worked, and will never work. You can’t just give a crapload of cash to rich people and hope it magically ends up in the hands of everyone else. Just ask 95% of America. Two: in times of economic crisis in America, government spending, not tax cuts for the rich, have provided jobs. A Republican claimed this week that government has never created a job. I ask him, “What the hell was the New Deal moron?” Congress needs fundamental change, it is a disgusting body that spends most of its time trying to come up with gross overspending plans and whoring itself out to special interests. I wonder what we might accomplish if we fired 90% of Congress in 2010. I would run, but I don’t have $5 million dollars.
The stimulus plan is over 1000 pages long. Give my high school government classes $780 billion and I bet they could create a lot of jobs in 100 pages of B.S. or less.

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