Friday, February 6, 2009

Frustrating Week

This has been a frustrating and stressful week, as the state of Oregon has revised budget shortfalls for February from $2 million to $7-16 million for the district I work for. Since this money was allocated at the beginning of the year, the district has to "pay the money back" to the state. The district is now contemplating cutting staff, or even cutting a few weeks off of the end of the school year to make up for the shortfall. It is infuriating that the first place the state looks for budget cuts is the schools, especially since Oregon's school funding is already extremely low compared to the national average. Time for a sales tax Oregon? No one likes taxes, but how else do you expect to pay for an excellent school system? In a moment of (admittedly) extreme bias, I saw this shirt and thought it brought up an excellent point. :-)

You can view the shirt at the Syracuse Cultural Workers website at
Thanks to my mom for directing me to this site!


Karen L R said...

hey dude, how about a nod in your post to your Marm for the link?

Plainclothes Politics said...

I added this, good point. To be fair, I was worrying about losing my job at the time and was a bit distracted. :-)

Karen L R said...

Gracias. -Marmie