Friday, January 30, 2009

Something different...

Some days teaching can be frustrating and even frightening, as I see a level of apathy among young people that I believe has increased even since I was in high school ten years ago. Sometimes, though, I am impressed by the mature musings of my students. We live in an era when more and more young people are choosing to reject political labels and parties and register as independents. When I ask them who will fix the problems of the future, they do not instantly reply, "the government," as I expect those that came before them might have. Many of my students do not trust that government is here to help, and I can't say that I blame them. If we choose not to rely on our government, however, we need to take "For the People, By the People" to heart, and get involved in politics ourselves. This may mean getting off of our rear ends and actually working to achieve local political goals. We need to start grassroots movements for change that are concrete, and not just political rhetoric. I like this shirt because it rejects the helpless attitude of many Americans and puts the responsibility for change squarely where it belongs, on the shoulders of the people. I appreciate its optimistic view in a pessimistic time.

Check it out at:

1 comment:

Karen L R said...

Stew, That tee shirt borrows the lyrics of a song, done beautifully by Sweet Honey in the Rock, and the girls at IB, too. "We are the ones we been waitin' for". That song has been floating in my brain ever since inauguration day, while I'm driving, washing dishes, sewing...Take it from your ole Marmie, there has been a page turned in the history of this country. Let's hope we all make it a better chapter, eh?