Saturday, April 3, 2010

Top Websites

It has been a busy week, but a productive one. I thought I would spend this week reviewing some of my favorite political websites. They range from humorous to informative, but they are all sites that I have used to great effect at some point.

Today's site is This site was really useful to me during the 2008 election because of their excellent poll coverage. For example, they are the only U.S. based site that seems to have useful information on the upcoming UK elections. They also do a great job of providing actual data analysis to back up the political opinions that they express. While there is a liberal lean to this site, it is one that is out in the open and pretty moderate. One of the more interesting sidebars right now focuses on how likely a state's Senate seat is to switch parties in the fall (I'll give you a hint, not looking good for Dems). All in all, this site has a really refreshing mix of fact and opinion and is usually pretty entertaining.